Wednesday, May 13, 2020

IELTS Essay on Crime and Punishment

IELTS Essay on Crime and PunishmentIn this article, I will talk about what is an ielts essay on crime and punishment. I will also explain what to look for in sample answers. So, let's get started.IELTS is the international examination that is held by a variety of universities and colleges. For those of you who don't know, this is one of the tests that are given to assess a student's English level and how well they can speak and write. It tests a student's ability to express their thoughts clearly. It is a difficult test, but it is also an important one.Just like in life, English is the language that makes everything run smoothly. The way you speak with people will determine how well you communicate with them. Therefore, English should be at a very high level.As far as IELTS essay topics go, I find that Crime and Punishment are usually something that students want to cover. I guess because of what has happened recently.Crime and Punishment are subjects that are very complex and contro versial. You see, some say that the death penalty was used for crimes, but other's do not agree. It really depends on the crime. I'm sure you can think of a lot of examples.Some moral issues come into play when you examine this topic. There is a real question about the rightness of using the death penalty. Some feel that the use of the death penalty is just not good enough, but others feel that if someone is guilty then they should be punished.IELTS exam is not the only exam that is like this. Other exams that IELTS also test on topics such as what is good, bad, right and wrong. It really depends on the situation, but there is really no right or wrong answer here.When you examine the sample IELTS essay on crime and punishment, you will notice that most of the answers seem to deal with how the language should be used and if the punishment fits the crime. There are some other things as well. However, the two major topics are how to use the language well and how to judge the crime.

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